Koloor Mahadeva Temple

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Koloor Siva Temple in the Neyyattinkara Taluk is included in the list of incorporated Devaswom in Schedule- 1 of the Travancore Cochin Hindu Religious Institutions Act & Rules having an extent of 5.41 Acres situated in Survey No. 137/1 (Re-survey No. 21/6 in Block No.27 of Keezharoor Village) is not secured and the temple situated in that property is renovated.

W.P.(C)18995/2020 – PENDING

This writ petition is filed in the backdrop of the fact that property having an extent of 5.41 Acres situated in Survey No. 137/1 (Re-survey No. 21/6 in Block No.27) of Keezharoor Village belonging to Koloor Siva Temple which is a prominent temple in Neyyattinkara Taluk under Travancore Devaswom Board and is situated in Keezharoor Village of Thiruvananthapuram District have been encroached upon and being enjoyed by creating false and invalid documents and the Devaswom and other authorities are not taking any action whatsoever to remove the encroachment.



The property having an extent of 68 Cents situated in Sy.No.398 of Ollukkara Village which is clearly recorded as Olluthrikkayil Devaswom property in the Settlement Register as well as the BTR has been encroached upon and out of which 50 cents have now been mutated in the name of a private party

W.P.(C)27115/2020 – PENDING

On an enquiry it was found that an applications has been submitted by the private parties before the Land Tribunal making the Ollur Devaswom as the opposite party, and obtained Purchase Certificate. though the property is clearly stated as Devaswom Property, the Land Tribunal namely the Special Tahsildaar in LR No.8, , Thrissur has passed an order under the Kerala Land Reforms Act holding that the applicant is entitled to get the Certificate of Purchase on deposit of purchase price of Rs.49.82/-. This order was made as early as on 30.09.1975. It is pertinent to note here that the revenue authorities have never pointed out that the property of the Devaswom has been exempted u/s.3 (10) of the Kerala Land Reforms Act and no Purchase Certificate can be issued as against such a property as it is the property of the deity. The case was filed seeking relief of direction to protect the land of the minor deity Sree Cherukulangara Bhagavthi of Olluthrikkayil Devaswom having an extent of 68 Cents in Sy No.398 of Ollukkara Village and maintain the same by evicting all encroachers and take such appropriate steps to secure the above said property by protecting it from encroachers and to take adequate step to ensure that above said property having extent of 68 Cents in Sy No.398 of Ollukkara Village is exclusively being used for temple purposes alone.


Paramekkavu Bagavathi Temple is one of the largest Bagavathi temples in Kerala located in Thrissur City. Sakthan Thampuran ordained the temples into two groups, namely “Paramekkavu side” and “Thiruvambady side” for Thrissur Pooram which is the biggest festival in South India and Kerala. These two groups are headed by the principal participants, Paramekkavu Bagavathi Temple at Thrissur Swaraj Round and Thiruvambadi Sri Krishna Temple at Shoranur road.

W.P.(C)25549/2020 – PENDING

The petitioner is a devotee of Paramekkavu Devi and a worshipper of the deity. Property having an extent of 17 Cents in Sy.No. 2095/1 of Thrissur Village was given on lease by the Devaswom to one person, in which he has constructed a brick Kiln which was later on given on rent to the father of this private party . It was in such a manner that the property was transferred to the possession of this private party . In between, the property was even mortgaged with the bank which has sold the mortgaged property and ultimately as submitted earlier the property is now in the possession of this private party and he is continuing to do business there. The Devawom has filed an Original Suit in 1957 for evicting the lessee for arrears of rent and though the suit was decreed, it was not executed. Subsequently, in execution of the above said decree the property was sold in Court auction which was
purchased by the Devaswom itself and the sale was confirmed on 08.04.1996. But the property remained with the lessee, as only a symbolic possession was taken by the Devaswom. Thereafter, the lessee has filed a civil suit against Devaswom restraining the Devaswom from evicting him from the property which was decreed in his favour and the
appellate court reversed the judgment and dismissed the suit in favour of the Devaswom. That judgment has become final as the lessee has not challenged the same in 2nd appeal. But, in spite of all this the property remained with the lessee and the Devaswom has not taken any effective steps to remove him from possession and recover the possession of the property of the deity. In the meantime, Devaswom has again filed an Original Suit as O.S.No.951/99 for recovery of possession against the private party herein which was dismissed pointing out
several facts which include limitation and provisions of the Kerala Land reforms Act. This judgment was confirmed in appeal by the District Court, Thrissur in A.S.No. 197/01. So, in effect the property which was given on lease by the Devaswom is still in the possession of the private party in spite of the fact that the property has been purchased by the Devaswom in court auction by which the Devaswom has perfected the title of the deity. This case is filed seeking relief of direction to conduct an enquiry in to the encroachment of property of the minor deity of Sree paramekkavu Devaswom property having an extent of 17 Cents situated in Sy.No.2095/1 of Thrissur Village and maintain the same by evicting all encroachers


Kalarikkal Bhagavathi Temple of Kottayam Taluk where in centuries old Kalarickkal Bhagavathi Temple belonging to Mazhuvancheri Family of Puthuppalli is situated. Actually there are two temples of Bhadrakali. One is in the form of Kodumkali situated in Sy.No.490/1 of Puthuppalli Village. The other temple is that of Bhadrakali and Durga situated in Sy.No. 489/4 of Puthuppalli Village. These temples are situated in two plots in Sy.No.489/4 and 490/1 of Puthuppalii Village, having an extent of 2.76 acres and 2.44 acres respectively. Actually as per the revenue records both the settlement register as well as BTR shows that Kalarickal Bhagavathi Temple has got 5.20 acres of land situated in Survey Numbers 489/4 and 490/1 of Puthuppalli Village. Except the 87 cent in which the temple is now situated, the entire remaining property has been encroached upon by several persons and are they are in possession and enjoyment. But at present the temple is having only and extent of 57 cents in Survey Number 489/4 and 30 cents in Sy.No.490/1.

W.P.(C)25175/2020 – PENDING

The case is filed seeking relief of directions to quash pattayams issued to respondents, to remove all the encroachment in the property having an extent of 5.20 acres situated in Survey Numbers 489/4 and 490/1 of Puthuppalli Village belongs to deities of Kodumkali, Bhadrakali and Durga of Kalarickal Bhgavathi and protect the assets of the deity as directed by the Supreme Court in W.P.(C).No.649/2018 dated 05.07.2018 ,direct the District Judge to consider petition as directed by the Apex Court in W.P.(c).No.649/2018 dated 05.07.2018 and file a report before this Hon’ble Court .


Thiruvambadi Sri Krishna Temple is a Hindu temple in the city of Thrissur in Kerala, India. The main deities of this temple are Krishna in the form of a child, and Bhadrakali, both having equal importance. Thiruvambadi bagavathi is one of main participants of Thrissur pooram.
The goddess is considered as younger sister of Paramekkavu bagavathi (presiding deity of Paramekkavu temple

W.P.(C)22981/2020 – PENDING

This case is filed seeking relief of direction to the District Judge of Thrissur to conduct a proper enquiry in the affairs of the Management of Thriuvambadi Devaswom, Thrissur including deficiencies in management, appropriate utilisation of offerings and protection of the assets of the deity and submit a report before this Court including an audited account fixing liability on individuals responsible for the loss sustained by the Devaswom and take steps to realise the loss of the Devaswom from the assets of the individuals who are found to be responsible
and take appropriate steps, appoint an administrator to manage the affairs of the Devaswom and constitute a committee headed by the District judge Thrissur consisting of a qualified Chartered Accountant and the Thantrhi of the temple to manage the affairs of the temple by the issue of appropriate writ or order or direction and quash sale proceedings .


This temple was originally a Mahadeva (KiraathaMoorthi Temple) and there after it was destroyed. The temple was renovated around 500 years back adding the Sreekrishna Temple also. Around 70 years back the temple was again destroyed and in 2002 it was renovated again. Now the temple is under the control of Travancore Devaswom Board. . This temple is centuries old , and altogether 93.31 Acres of land belongs to the temple. From the settlement register it is evident that 93.31 Acres of land in Sy No. 2511,2507,2508,2510 of Melthonnakkal Village belongs to Sreepadham Keezhattigal Devaswom. In this settlement register it is also clearly stated that this property has been earmarked for Sreepaadham and at present the temple is in possession of 85cents only.

W.P.(C)22981/2020 – PENDING

The case is filed seeking relief of directions quashing report No.A1-96/2009 dated 17.07.2019 of the Tahsildar, direction to the authorities to take appropriate steps to evict all the encroachers and reclaim the entire extent of 93.31 Acres of land in Sy.no. 2511,2507,2508,2510 of Melthonnakkal Village described as Sreepaadham Keezhatingal Devaswom Vaka and protect the same from encroachment, to declare that the property with an extent of 93.31 Acres of land comprised in Sy No. 2511,2507,2508,2510 of Melthonnakkal Village belongs to SreepaadhamKeezhattinalDevaswom being the Devaswom property as per Settlement Register and the pattayams issued in relation to this property belonging to the Devaswom are void and and invalid and would not bind to the Deity and to conduct an enquiry in to the encroachment of Devaswom property having extent of 93.31 Acres of land in Sy no. 2511,2507,2508,2510 of Melthonnakkal Village described as SreepaadhamKeezhatingal DevaswomVaka and file a report as directed by the Supreme Court.

W.P.(C)22981/2020 – PENDING

The Vadakkumnathan Temple is an ancient Hindu temple dedicated to Shiva in Thrissur, in the Thrissur district of Kerala, India. The property having an extent of 0.45 Acres (45Cents) situated in Sy.No.463 in Thrissur Village, and property having an extent of 0.05 Cents situated in Sy.No.2974 of Thrissur Village which belongs to Vadakkum Nathan Devaswom. Property having an extent of 49 Cents situated in Sy.No.464 is Pandaravaka given as pattam in the name of an individual.

W.P.(C).NO.21102/2020 – PENDING

This writ petition is filed in the backdrop of the fact that property having an extent of 0.45 Acres (45Cents) situated inSy.No.463 in Thrissur Village, and property having an extent of 0.05 Cents situated in Sy.No.2974 of Thrissur Village which belongs to Vadakkum Nathan Devaswom have been encroached upon and being enjoyed by creating false and invalid documents and the Devaswom and other authorities are not taking any action whatsoever to remove the encroachment. The case is filed seeking relief of a direction to protect the land of the minor deity Sree Vadakkumnathan having an extent of 94.05 cents situated in Sy.Nos 463, 464 and 2974 of Thrissur villageand maintain the same by evicting all encroachers and take such appropriate steps to secure the above said property by
protecting it from encroachers and to take adequate step to ensure that above said property having extent of 94.05 cents situated in Sy.Nos 463, 464 and 2974 of Thrissur village is exclusively being used for temple purposes alone.


Chandanamkandathil Shankaranarayan Temple belongs to Paravannur Bhagavathy Devaswom. The temple was having property to the extent of 2.52 acres of land which include 80 cents in Survey No. 22/7/8 (Resurvey No. 526/5), 32 cents of property in Survey No. 22/22 ( Resurvey No. 527/8 A) 22 cents in Survey No. 22/8, 34 cents in Survey No. 22/22, 34 cents in Sy.No.22/9( Re.Sy.526/6 and 50 cents in survey No. 22/7 of Kalpakanchery Village. The temple originally belongs to Parameswaran Moosad, Kumaran Moosad and Narayanan Moosad who are the ‘ Ooralans’ of the temple. Subsequently Ooralans could not administer the temple properly and the temple therefore has come to a dilapidated condition. Daily Poojas were stopped because of the shortage of revenue and ultimately the devotees have decided to take over the administration of the temple and as such a committee was formed of devotees for administering the temple and at present the committee of the devotees is administering the temple. Now the temple is having daily Poojas and all festivals are being conducted and funds are collected for the renovation of the temple

WP(C) No.23438 of 2019 – PENDING

The case was filed seeking relief of directions to the authorities to take adequate action to see that the petitioner is not obstructed from constructing the compound wall and gate on the western side of the Sri Shankaranarayana Temple situated in the property having an extent of 34 cents in surveynumber 22/9 (resurvey No. 526/6 of Kalpakanchery Village by encroachers and their henchmen men and a direction to the District Collector to consider
and dispose of petition and evict the illegal encroachers from the property having an extent of 2.18 acres situated in Survey No. 23/7/8 (resurvey No. 526/5,22/22) Resurvey No. 527/8 A), 22/8, 22/22, 22/7 of Kalpakanchery Village.


Cheriyerikkavu Bhagavathy Temple is situated near to the residence of the petitioner. A Kavu is also is in existence as part and parcel of this temple. Property in Survey No 371/3 is in the possession of encroacher and it is situated adjacent to temple property. Actually the property belongs to Perumthrikkovil Devaswom. The settlement register clearly indicate that the property in Survey No 371/3 in Thalakkad Village belongs to Perumthrikkovil Devaswom. But somehow or other the property is now in the possession of encroachers.

WP(C) No. 16144/2020– DISPOSED

The case was filed seeking a relief of direction to the District collector to dispose the representations by the petitioners and to evict the encroachers from the temple property situated in Sy.No.371/3 of Thalakkad Village and as per the directions contained in order of the Supreme court, also to direct the Panchayath to take immediate action to stop the construction of the building of the encroacher in the temple property situated in Sy.No.371/3 of Thalakkad Village . This writ petition was disposed of by directing the District Judge to consider petition submitted by the petitioner and also with notice to the petitioner, District Collector, and other affected parties and forward a report to this Court within a period of four months.